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Sunday, January 23, 2011

The League, Inc.

By now you should have all gotten your Mah Jongg League newsletter and sent in your order for next year's cards.  I had mine sent back because I made a mistake in the math.  I will send it back promptly along with a new check for the right amount.  I always order extra cards in case a new player comes along and needs one.   The League donates the proceeds to excellent and worthy causes.

Of course you know that when you order your card you become a member of the League.   As such, you are requested to sign a proxy statement on the bottom of the newsletter when you send your card back.  When you sign you are granting power of attorney to directors of the league to make decisions on your behalf at the annual board of directors meeting, to be held this year on February 7 at 9 a.m. at 440 West 57th Street, New York, NY.

Now, I live in New York and I have always wanted to attend an annual meeting of the National Mah Jongg League.  Every year I say I will go, but I chicken out.  The newsletter says at the bottom that it is important to sign the proxy if you do not intend to be present at the meeting.  Does that mean we are all invited?  For some reason I think the ladies of the League will not be welcoming if all the members showed up for the meeting, but my thought is we are legally entitled.

Well, I didn't sign my proxy.  This year I will do it.  I will take a few hours off of work and attend the meeting.  Ooh!  I'm excited!  Do they vote on the card???  I am sure I will vote in favor of everything they do, because they are the big machers and have done it all right for all these years.  I am a mere peon of a member who wishes to observe the workings of the Great League.  I will report back to my faithful readers on what I observe.

Until then - happy mahj!


  1. OMG Linda .. I am so jealous. I can't wait to hear about the meeting. Will you please take pictures if they let you, and post the pictures?

    I haven't gotten my newsletter .. somehow it didn't follow me when we moved. I love reading the questions people ask and it's so fun when the new card comes.

    And may I politely correct you on something: You are no peon member. You are a Maj Maven and you help spread the joy of the game. The League should be honored to welcome you to the meeting.

  2. OMG Linda .. I am so jealous. I can't wait to hear about the meeting. Will you please take pictures if they let you, and post the pictures?

    I haven't gotten my newsletter .. somehow it didn't follow me when we moved. I love reading the questions people ask and it's so fun when the new card comes.

    And may I politely correct you on something: You are no peon member. You are a Maj Maven and you help spread the joy of the game. The League should be honored to welcome you to the meeting.

  3. Hi,
    I just got an email from a friend that the location of this meeting has been changed to:
    250 west 57 Street NY, NY 10107


  5. I did not receive my newsletter with the cards and do not know who to contact to receive. help

    1. I understand that there was a bad printing of some cards and they had to be done over. This caused a delay and for those who haven't gotten their cards yet, they will be delivered the week of the 15th.

  6. I'm trying to locate one of the directors of this company-Adele( husband Sal) got back from a trip to Ireland and met them but was unable to get contact info. If anybody knows them-please send them my email She works on 57th street somewhere.Thanks Phil Gigacz
